The Hidden Costs of Relocation

Are you considering relocating staff to help with the development of your studio? Have you considered the costs of relocation?

We get it,  new talent brings fresh perspectives and skills and often gives a much-needed injection of creativity that was previously missing. However, there are costs to consider, not just financial ones. You’ll need to consider things such as emotional stress, cultural adjustments, family disruptions, and social dislocation—which can significantly impact the well-being of employees and, consequently, their productivity. Understanding and addressing these challenges with empathy and professionalism is crucial for a smooth transition.

The Challenges

Emotional and Psychological Stress

Moving is stressful, regardless if it’s down the road or across the pond. The uncertainty of a new environment, leaving behind friends and family, and adapting to a new culture can take a toll on mental health. This emotional overwhelm can lead to anxiety and depression if not properly managed.

Family Disruptions

For those with families, the impact of relocation can be even more noticeable. Partners might need to find new jobs, and children will need to adjust to new schools and make new friends. families thrive on stability and relocation can significantly disrupt this, causing additional stress for the relocated employee.

Social and Cultural Adjustments

Moving to a new country and entering a different cultural setting requires time to adjust. Language barriers, different social customs, and varying workplace norms (such as working hours) can make employees feel like outsiders. They can feel isolated and this can affect their integration into the new team.

Loss of Social Networks

It’s evidenced and spoken about by doctors and psychologists. An established support network for people’s physical and mental well-being is so important. This can change when they relocate. These networks, which include friends, extended family, and professional contacts, provide emotional support and a sense of belonging. The loss of this can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation.

How do you combat these costs?

Well Rounded Onboarding

Providing good onboarding can help employees adjust at the right pace to their new environment. You could include information about local culture, language classes (Or access to apps such as Duolingo), and practical tips for everyday living in the new location. Also, you could have a buddy system that pairs them with a supportive team member who can share resources to navigate their new surroundings.

Family Support Initiatives

Offering support to the employees' families to ease the transition is a great step. This might include help with job searches for partners, school recommendations for children, and having access to information about local family activities. Planning social events for relocated families can help them build new connections and feel more at home.

Flexible Relocation Packages

Flexibility in relocation packages can make a big difference for those considering relocation. Allowing some control over their moving timeline and offering options such as temporary housing, paid visits to the new location before the move, and financial assistance for settling-in costs could be what wins them over. Flexibility shows that the company values their well-being and is willing to accommodate their needs.

Mental Health Support

Providing access to mental health resources is crucial for all staff, but even more so when someone is away from their support network. This can include counselling services, stress management workshops, and providing a supportive environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns. Encouraging a culture of openness around mental health can help reduce the stigma and ensure employees seek help when needed.

Social support

Making sure an employee has fun outside of work is key to helping employees feel connected. Team-building activities, social gatherings, and community involvement opportunities can all be used to encourage this. Listing local clubs or activities can also help them establish new social networks.

Regular Check-ins

Regular check-ins are important to identify any issues early on. Managers should be proactive in asking about their well-being and any challenges they are facing. Provide a platform for feedback and act on it. It shows that the company cares about their experience and is committed to making the transition as smooth as possible.

The emotional, social, and cultural costs of relocating staff can be just as challenging as the financial costs. However, with management strategies and genuine support, employers can help mitigate these costs. After all, a happy team is a creative team, and in video game development, creativity is the key to success.


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